About Us
We believe that the main thrust of twinning is for families to host similar French families in their homes, to share their way of life with each other and to make lasting friendships.
In Peebles we have a new enthusiastic new committee, keen to attract the next generation of curious, intrepid francophiles. To share our ways of life and living, our cultures and traditions, our languages and histories. At this point of the UK's exit from the EU and so much isolation being necessary, grassroots connections with our friends in Hendaye become more important than ever.
We pursue as many possible connections with like-minded groups in Hendaye where we can get mutually convenient dates. We welcome any ideas from members who enjoy walking, cycling, swimming, music, singing or dancing. These are arcivities that are ideal to share with those in Hendaye. Competitions are a great way of meeting up, so can you enthuse the group you are in to take an interest sharing your activity with French / Basque people. To make friends with ordinary folks in Hendaye and learn about each other's ways of life and culture. Not to mention a lot of wine and laughs.
We recently travelled to Hendaye to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the twinning. It was lovely to see some of our founder members greeting each other at the Mayor's Reception. They had aged 20 years, but it made no difference. There was a warm welcome and genuine interest in each other's families, some now grandparents, and a great respect for the continuity of the wonderful institution of Twinning.
We would love this to be paid for by some magical donor or council fund, however this does not happen in the UK. We pay for everything ourselves (flights,cars,trains,accomodation,food). However the main point of twinning is making friends, and so we often end up staying in their homes so that lessens the cost a bit.
What's Happening
We hoped to see a good turn out to our Annual General Meeting which we intended to hold on Thursday 28th May 2020. However due to currently isolation regulatons this will not happen and we will need to find an alternative method to hold this meeting. The committee are currently reviewing the Constitution and it would be good to discuss plans for the following year. It is Peebles' turn to host a visit from Hendaye and it is traditional to have a theme for the visit. As we do not enjoy automatic funding to pay for this, we must raise funds by putting on events (which are actually a lot of fun, if not a little work). We even have two crepe making machines but we can't do that every time. Suggestions welcome.
Look out for our Twinning Display Window in 88 High Street, Peebles, where the Breeze Art Gallery used to be. This is part of a "Join Peebles-Hendaye Twinning Association" campaign. Get your friends to join and make Twinning come alive again in 2020. We will also be in Peebles Life Magazine in April and May.
We have been invited on 1st May to play Petanque at the Tweed Valley Petanque Club. Unfortunately, due to the current CV19 situation will have to be cancelled, but we will get this going again as soon as we can. If you have never played before, do come and give it a try. Petanque is played with quite heavy metal boules which are thrown under arm at a little ball called a cochonnet (piglet). Anyone can do it! With food and drink being bring and share we all have a good time (find a nominated driver!). You can see lots of photos on the club website.
Commitee and Membership
A new Peebles-Hendaye Twinning Association Committee was elected at the AGM on 29th May 2019.
Introducing the Committee:
Martin Lafferty
Liz Douglas
Marian Cairns
Kathy Laming
Life Members:
Noel Dashwood Brady
Anne Melrose
Margaret Rousseau
Kenny Brown
Bruce McAlister
John and Carol Woolliams
Introducing the Committee:
Chairman: | Andrew Grieve |
Vice-Chair: | Lyndal Bale |
Secretary: | Simon Ritchie |
Treasurer: | Leona Macdonald |
Membership Secretary: | Christine Bruce |
Martin Lafferty
Liz Douglas
Marian Cairns
Kathy Laming
Life Members:
Noel Dashwood Brady
Anne Melrose
Margaret Rousseau
Kenny Brown
Bruce McAlister
John and Carol Woolliams
Members pay a token £5 membership fee per adult. This goes some way to covering a membership card, administrative expenses, any insurance we may need, and not least to show that we take twinning seriously and are willing to get behind it.
Please contact one of our secretaries for further information.
The Peebles-Hendaye Twinning Committee wish you all
a Happy and Healthy Easter Holiday.
a Happy and Healthy Easter Holiday.